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1.1. This Regulation is developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" No. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006, Federal Law "On Personal Data" No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006. and other normative legal acts.
1.2. These Rules determine the proceedings (receipt, processing, use, storage, etc.) of personal data of persons who registered and / or filled out the feedback form on any pages of the site,,,,, wishing to become Operator's Clients and / or employees of Counterparty and / or potential customers Operator's Counterparty (hereinafter - the User).
1.3. When you place (enter) your personal data on any pages of the website of LLC "Fo Leeds",,,,, in accordance with these Rules the User gives its consent to LLC "Fo Leeds" (Russia, 127473, Moscow, Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, p. 2, 5 entrance, 4th floor) for the processing of his/hers personal data given at registration, transfer of data to third parties, receiving emails of advertising nature and proposals for cooperation. (Next - Operator).
1.4. Legal entities and individuals, possessing information about citizens in accordance with their powers, receiving and use it, bear responsibility in accordance with the rules of the Russian Federation for violation of the protection, processing and use of this information.
2.1. The operator processes personal data of users within the framework of legal relationships with the Operator, regulated by part two of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation of January 26, 1996 No. 14-FZ, (hereinafter referred to as "Users").
2.2. The operator processes the personal data of users with their consent, provided for an indefinite period. In cases as provided for by the Federal Law "On Personal Data", consent is granted in writing. In other cases consent is granted when concluding a contract or performing conclusive actions.
2.3. The operator processes the user's personal data for an indefinite period of time.
2.4. The operator processes special categories of personal data of juvenile users with the written consent of their legal representatives on the basis of Part 1 of Art. 9, item 1 of part 2 of Art. 10 of the Federal Law "On Personal Data".
2.5. The operator has the right to process the following personal data provided by the user:
- Full Name;
- Type, series and the number of the document proving the identity;
- Date of issue of the identity document and information about the issuing Authority;
- Year of birth;
- Month of birth;
- Date of Birth;
- Place of Birth;
- Address;
- Contact phone number;
- E-mail address;
- Taxpayer Identification Number;
- Number of insurance certificate of state pension insurance;
- Position;
- Personnel number;
- Information about purchased goods;
- Information on services delivered;
- Education;
- Profession;
- Income;
- Temporary disability;
- Time in employment;
- Family status;
- National affiliation;
- Photo;
- Insurance payments to the OPS;
- Insurance payments to compulsory medical insurance;
- Tax deductions;
- Concessionary payments;
- Retirement;
- Academic degree;
- Scientific and pedagogical experience;
- Information on military registration;
- Information about staying abroad;
- Additional insurance contributions to the funded part of the pension;
- Data on social benefits;
- Compulsory medical insurance data
2.6. Processing of the User's personal data - collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), use, distribution (including transfer to third parties), anonymization, blocking and destruction of personal data;
2.7. Confidentiality of personal data is mandatory for persons with access to personal data of Users, the requirement not to allow their distribution without the consent of Users or other legal basis;
2.8 Dissemination of personal data – actions aimed at transferring personal data of Users to a certain group of people (transfer of personal data) or acquaintance with personal data on an unlimited number of persons, including the disclosure of personal data of Users in mass media, placement in information and telecommunications networks or provision of access to personal data of Users in any other way;
2.9. Blocking of personal data - temporary suspension of collection, systematization, accumulation, use, distribution of personal data of Users, including their transfer;
2.10 Destruction of personal data - actions, as a result of which it is impossible to restore the contents of personal data in the personal information system of Users or as a result of which material carriers of personal data of Users are destroyed;
2.11. Anonymization of personal data is an action, as a result of which it is impossible to determine whether personal data belongs to a specific User;
2.12. Publicly available personal data - personal data which is provided with the consent of the User to an unlimited range of persons or for which the requirement of confidentiality does not apply in accordance with federal laws;
2.13. Information - data (messages) without dependence of the form of their presentation;
2.14. Documented information - information recorded on a physical carrier by documenting information with details that allow to determine such information or its physical carrier.
2.15. - Operator's Counterparty is a legal entity that has contractual legal relationships with the Operator
3.1. The receipt, processing, storage and any other use of the User's personal data may be carried out solely for the purpose of compliance with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as with the aim:
- to conclude and fulfill obligations of contracts with Users;
- to carry out the types of activities provided for in the constituent documents of LLC "Fo Leeds";
- to inform about new products, special promotions and offers;
- to send letters by e-mail and SMS, through other services / applications;
- to enter and fulfill obligations under contracts with the Counterparties.
4.1. Access to the personal data of Users have: OOO Fo Leeds, as well as third parties involved by the Operator in order to provide services to Users, Contractors, the Operator, as well as affiliated persons of LLC Fo Leeds.
4.2. The user has the right to:
4.2.1. Receive access to their personal data and familiarize with them, including the right to receive a free copy of any record containing his personal data.
4.2.2. Receive from the Operator:
- information on persons who have access to or are able to access personal data;
- the list of processed personal data and the source of their receipt;
- the duration of processing of personal data, including the duration of their storage;
- information about what legal consequences for the subject of personal data may entail the processing of his personal data.
4.2.3. Demand from the operator to notify all persons who have previously been provided with incorrect or incomplete personal data about all exceptions, corrections or additions made in them.
4.2.4. File a complaint to the authorized body for the protection of the rights of subjects of personal data or in the judicial order file a complaint on unlawful actions or inactivity of the operator when processing and protecting his personal data.
4.3. To withdraw consent of the processing of their personal data by sending a written application to the Director General Shinkevich Ekaterina Sergeevna LLC "Fo Leeds" to the email address
4.4. The user must provide particulary his own personal data. In the event that the User places (enters) on any pages of the site,,,,, personal data of a third party, such User must receive prior written consent from the subject of personal data. Obtaining such consent is the responsibility of the User.
4.5. The operator is not liable for inaccurate data provided by the User.
4.6. The Operator has the right to change these Rules unilaterally at any time without prior notice.
55.1. When transferring personal data of Users, the Operator undertakes obligations for compliance with the following requirements:
- not to disclose the personal data of the User to a third party without the consent of the User, except for the cases specified in these Rules, and also when it is necessary to prevent a threat to the life and health of the User, as well as the cases established by federal law;
- not to disclose personal data of the User for commercial purposes without his consent;
- to warn the persons receiving the personal data of the User that this data can be used only for the purposes for which they are told, and to require from these persons confirmation that this rule is observed. Persons receiving personal data of the User are obliged to comply with the regime of secrecy (confidentiality);
- allow access to the personal data of the User only to specially authorized persons, and these persons have the right to receive only the personal data of the User that is necessary for performing specific functions;
- to transfer personal data of the User within the limits established by these Rules;
6.1. The protection of the User's personal data from unauthorized use or loss is provided by the operator at his own expense in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.2. Personal data of Users is stored electronically in a relational information database based on the MySQL family, on a server with an IP address of Data security is ensured by using RSA encryption technology for primary authentication on the server using SSH, as well as an encrypted connection between the site-server system. The server with the personal data of the Users is additionally protected by blocking requests from unauthorized sources.
The hosting provider-VmKo LLC (, located on the territory of the Russian Federation, is provided with a two-level password system: at the local computer network level and at the database level.
7.1. The operator collects data that is automatically transferred to the Site Services in the course of their use with the help of the software installed on the user's device, including the IP address, cookie data, information about the User's browser (or other program that accesses the Services), technical characteristics of the equipment and software used by the User, the date and time of access to the Site Services, the addresses of the requested pages and other similar information
7.2. The cookies sent to Fo Leeds LLC to the User equipment and the User equipment of Fo Leeds LLC may be used by Fo Leeds LLC to provide the User with personalized Site Services, for targeted advertising that is shown to the User, for statistical and research purposes, and to improve the Services of the Site.
7.3. The user is aware that the equipment and software used by him/her to visit sites on the Internet may have the function of prohibiting operations with cookies (for any sites or for certain sites), as well as removing previously received cookies.
7.4. LLC "Fo Leeds" has the right to establish that the provision of a certain Site Service is possible only if the User accepts and receives cookies.
7.5. The structure of the cookie, its contents and technical parameters are determined by LLC "Fo Leeds" and may be changed without prior notice of the User.
7.6. The counters placed by LLC "Fo Leeds" in the Services of the Site can be used to analyze the user's cookies, to collect and process statistical information about the use of the Site Services, and to ensure the operation of the Site Services as a whole or their various functions in particular. Technical parameters of the counters are determined by LLC "Fo Leeds" and can be changed without prior notice of the User.
8.1. Persons guilty of violating the rules regulating the receipt, processing and protection of personal data of Users shall bear disciplinary, administrative, civil or criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Настоящим я, далее – «Субъект Персональных Данных», во исполнение требований Федерального закона от 27.07.2006 г. № 152-ФЗ «О персональных данных» (с изменениями и дополнениями) свободно, своей волей и в своем интересе принял(а) решение о предоставлении своих персональных данных ООО "Фо Лидс" (Оператор), ведущему свою деятельность по адресу 127473, г. Москва, ул. Краснопролетарская, д.16, стр.2, 5 подъезд, 4 этаж и даю свое согласие на обработку своих персональных данных, указанных при заполнении форм обратной связи и/или регистрации путем заполнения веб-формы, на любых страницах сайта,,,, и его поддоменов (далее – Сайт), направляемой (заполненной) с использованием Сайта.
Я даю согласие на обработку следующих категорий моих персональных данных и любой информацию, относящейся ко мне как к Субъекту Персональных Данных, в том числе мои фамилию, имя, отчество, адрес, образование, профессию, контактные данные (телефон, факс, электронная почта, почтовый адрес), фотографии, иную другую информацию. Под обработкой персональных данных я понимаю сбор, запись, систематизацию, накопление, хранение, уточнение, обновление, изменение, извлечение, использование, распространение, передачу (предоставление, доступ), в том числе трансграничную, обезличивание, блокирование, уничтожение, бессрочное хранение), удаление и любые другие действия (операции) с персональными данными.
Я даю согласие на передачу и (или) поручение обработки указанных моих персональных данных третьим лицам: Аффилированным лицам Оператора, третьим лицам, привлеченным Оператором в целях оказания услуг Оператору.
Я ознакомлен и согласен с тем, что сбор и обработка персональных данных Субъекта Персональных Данных осуществляется исключительно в целях регистрации Субъекта Персональных Данных в базе данных Оператора с последующим направлением Субъекту Персональных Данных почтовых сообщений и смс-уведомлений, в том числе рекламного содержания, от Оператора, его аффилированных лиц и/или субподрядчиков, информационных и новостных рассылок, приглашений на мероприятия Оператора, осуществления видов деятельности, предусмотренных учредительными документами Оператора, заключать и исполнять обязательства по договорам с Клиентами (и/или потенциальными Клиентами), Контрагентами и/или потенциальными Контрагентами, и другой информации рекламно-новостного содержания, а также с целью подтверждения личности Субъекта Персональных Данных при посещении мероприятий Оператора.
Датой выдачи согласия на обработку персональных данных Субъекта Персональных Данных является дата отправки регистрационной веб-формы и/или формы обратной связи на Сайте.
Я ознакомлен(а), что:
1. настоящее согласие на обработку моих персональных данных, указанных при регистрации на Сайте, направляемых (заполненных) с использованием Cайта, действует в течение неограниченного периода действия;
2. согласие может быть отозвано мною на основании письменного заявления в произвольной форме по адресу: 127473, г. Москва, ул. Краснопролетарская, д.16, стр. 2 или путём направления такого письма по электронной почте –